A walk through the Seed Swap...
Morning workshop sessions @ TBG....
We are the staff of Toledo GROWs. Some of us are Americorps workers, some of us are local youth who have worked hard in our job training program. All of us are committed to realizing the vision of Toledo GROWs.
Enriching communities through gardens
TOLEDO, Ohio (WUPW) -- Urban agriculture is growing across the area.
In fact when Toledo Grows began 12 years ago there were about a handful of the small community gardens. Now there are more than 80 and the goal is to create at least 100 by next year.
The urban gardens are a way to turn empty fields into beautiful additions to neighborhoods.
“It’s often times done in unusual places,” said Toledo Grows Manager Michael Szuberla. “Its not a big farm field its just two vacant lots in the city and what you could do with some inspiration and the right resources is pretty amazing.”
The program is part of the Toledo Botanical Garden. People are given the resources and education to plant all sorts of herbs, produce and flowers.
Not only does it provide access to healthy foods for people who might not otherwise be able to obtain them, it’s also a great way to save.
“Given the state of the economy people are looking to save money any way they can,” said Szuberla. “If you can go out and do a positive activity with your grandchildren and children and at the same time reduce your budget it’s a double victory for everyone.”
Sixth Annual Seed Swap
Saturday, Feb. 27
Seed Swap 12-3 p.m.
Wildwood Metropark5100 West Central Ave.
Toledo, 43615
Workshops 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Toledo Botanical Garden
5403 Elmer Dr.
Toledo, 43615