Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Winterizing and In-bed Composting at Glenwood Garden

Left: Before
A plot was filled with food waste and leaves, then covered with the soil originally in the bed. Traeshon is seeding winter rye, and the soil is mounded to his knees.
Right: After
One month later, the food waste has decomposed, leaving the bed only slightly higher than ground level. Winter rye has sprouted and the plot is winterized!

Toledo GROWs on the rise.

Toledo GROW's is becoming a prominent piece to the puzzle in Ohio. The non-profit organization is beginning to branch out through teens raising chickens, and other wildlife. Also Toledo GROWs is reaching the community through  urban teens with aspirations to succeed, another reason why Toledo GROWs is on a hot streak.

Here's a recent Blade article on our chickens and turkeys at the Oneida St. greenhouse in North Toledo.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bowling Green Community Gardening Project

It's great to see the new blog from the community gardening effort in Bowling Green. We're eager to find out more about the people and places and ideas brewing there!

Our cities stand on a track record of collaboration. Here's to building greater momentum toward strengthening local food systems, reconnecting with neighbors and taking ownership of where we live.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Video of Wayne Roberts presentation

Here is the documentation (hosted by WGTE's Knowledge Stream) of Wayne Roberts's recent presentation on green economics and sustainable agriculture at the downtown library.