Friday, August 21, 2009

Toledo GROWs fundraiser @ Ottawa Tavern!

GROWs staff members and volunteers will be raising money by guest bartending this Saturday, August 22nd from 6pm to 9pm at the respectably hip Ottawa Tavern (map).

This should be a great way to have some fun, be around others interested in advocating for a green agenda in Toledo, and raise money for community gardening and livestock in our neighborhoods.

Special thanks to Clayton and Adam and the rest of the folks at the OT for throwing the Raising the Bar fundraisers!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Toledo GROWs Garden Tour 2009!

View Toledo GROWs Garden Tour 2009 in a larger map

Tour starting point & time: Thursday, August 6, 5:45pm @ Glenwood Garden.

Come see and hear about how community gardens are transforming our city. Take a tour of community gardens, greenhouses, art installations and chicken coops associated with community centers, neighborhood groups, churches and senior housing sites.

We have a limited # of vans to transport people. PLEASE RSVP at 419-536-5566 if you WANT TO HAVE SPACE ON A VAN!!! People are also welcome to grab a map and bike or drive to the various sites.

Motown to Growtown!

Toledo GROWs is taking a trip to Detroit for the 12th annual Detroit Agricultural Network Tour!